Today was a very busy day! Jeff had to work (yes, even though it is a Sunday, it was his weekend to work at the energy plant) this morning and I had to cantor at the 10:30 Mass, so the big question was, who would look after Elliot?
I texted the in-laws, but even after no reply, I drove over in the hopes that maybe their phones were just off or on vibrate. Unfortunately, even knocking on the door yielded no results, so I called up Jeff and, panicked, told him there was a change of plans.
Jeff ended up bringing Elliot to work and strolling him around the college grounds while I went to church and sang. I had been so nervous before, but I was on pitch and sang loud and clear. Fr. Fred gave a moving homily about the vanities of this world, and how everyone cries for peace and love and still yet those who preach tolerance are merely preaching their own brand of re-education. The true path to peace, Fr. Fred said, is in Jesus. All answers will always lie within Jesus. Following in His ways will bring us great happiness, rather than the vanities of this world.
Some time during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, I noticed a spider the size of a quarter moving across the floor towards me. It fell off the step and hid beneath my kneeler. Then, of all things, right when I had to kneel down, the little fellow decided to fall off that step and head for my feet. In front of the whole church I swiftly sat up and smashed that arachnid to smithereens.
Quietly, of course. And as discreetly as possible.
After Mass I found out that the in-laws had taken charge of Elliot so that Jeff could finish his work at the plant. He was interrupted yet again when I asked him to pick me up! My poor husband! He came and got me and we drove back to the plant, where he finished his duties.
We met some friends for lunch at Al's Chickenette, a FANTASTIC restaurant specializing in - obviously - Southern-fried chicken. Oooooh, it was SO GOOD. Jeff used to hate eating there because they fried their chicken in lard, and it would cause his mouth to break out. However, now they are doing something completely different, and Jeff can eat without worrying! We both ordered large helpings of chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, hot rolls, and corn. I ate everything on my plate and had some ice-cream to top it all off. It was delicious!
After lunch, Jeff and I went home to freshen up. Our auntie was throwing a surprise party for her mom at 2:00, and we were invited to attend!
I think the party was a great success. Jeff and I were full from lunch, but we ate a little cake and chatted with relatives. Jeff's parents came over, bringing Elliot, and we gave him small bits of cake, Cheerio's, and some fruit. As a gift, everyone was getting their picture taken and added to a lovely scrapbook. It was then that I discovered the Instax camera - a darling little pink thing that produced instant pictures. The girl said she had found it on Amazon, so I think I'll look into getting one for myself! They are fairly inexpensive and easy to use. Plus, the pictures develop instantly, so you can use them later for scrapbooking!
After the party, Jeff and I attended yet ANOTHER party - the cast and crew party for the musical, of which Jeff was a vital part of. Jeff helped out with the sound production for the musical, practically doing all of it himself. And since families were able to attend, I came along with Elliot. He had so much fun playing in the park! He ate two large helpings of baby food and drank a lot of water before getting fussy.
At this point, I am trying to get him to sleep.
He was falling asleep in the car on the way home, so I thought a bath and a bottle of milk would finish him off, but of course it only revved him up for two more hours. He is now in his crib, cooing and talking to his stuffed panda.
Elliot's bedtime is usually determined by several factors, the most common being:
1. When his last nap was and how long he slept for.
2. How much energy he needs to get out of his system.
3. How tired mamma is.
I don't want to be one of those parents who allows their children to pick their own bedtime. I believe in regulation and scheduling, and I believe in the parent's right to set a decent bedtime for their little ones. Usually we keep to a strict schedule - anywhere between 7 and 9 is when Elliot will generally fall asleep. If he's especially wound up, I let him play before bed. But the norm for him is to fall asleep before or around 9:00. He will then sleep for anywhere between 10 and 12 hours straight.
Aren't I a lucky mamma?
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Getting You All Up to Speed
I have been soooo bad about not keeping up with this blog o' mine.
In part I have been super-lazy. Sometimes I am just not in the blogging mood and would rather use my free time to binge-watch Netflix or Pinterest. Truly, the memes about responsibility are true - I'd LIKE to run towards responsibility like an adult, but the pit trap of internet distractions is inevitable. And too tempting. I have a strong spirit and weak flesh.
So, I think I last blogged during February, during the time of Lent. Easter has come and gone, and what a time it was! We were surprisingly busy with local friends and family, plus travel to visit other family, and family reunions. So, family. And speaking of family, ours is getting another addition.
Yes! I am expecting again! In April I noticed several tell-tale signs, and in May we confirmed with a doctor. In June I had my first glimpse of my little bean, ten weeks old! He or she was kicking his or her foot inside my womb. You could clearly see it. Again I fell in love. At first I had cried, feeling cheated of precious time I should be spending with Elliot. But within a few weeks I felt reconciled to the beautiful idea of a brand-new baby. Elliot is growing up so fast, and as a SAHM, I spend almost every waking minute with him. That will never change. Now there will be a sibling for him to play with, and I will be able to treasure those moments just as I would treasure the moments of Elliot as an only-child.
Now, to answer the important questions:
1. I am doing great. Except for random bouts of nausea, without the vomiting, the first trimester passed fairly quietly. I have been eating like a hobbit every day, and since Elliot sleeps through the night, I am fortunate to get quite a lot of sleep myself.
2. No, I don't know the gender yet. Yes, we will be finding out. I don't care if it is a boy or a girl, so long as he or she is healthy.
3. Yes, all the friends and family know. Everyone is excited, though not as visibly excited as when I was expecting my firstborn.
4. Yes, this one was unexpected. Quite frankly, Elliot was unexpected, too. But not unwelcome. None of my children will ever be unwelcome or unloved or unwanted.
5. Yes, I am very much aware that I will be busy with two children under the age of 2. You may now tell me something I don't know, preferably something to do with dinosaurs or a new Marvel movie.
I know that people must be thinking, "Wow, that was quick." I'm not offended by such an idea; even I know that it was quick. I think we have been somehow trained to believe that the production of children should follow a certain timeline - that the second child should come after a few years of fun with the first one. There is, too, the scandalous knowledge, not spoken out loud of course, that the couple went back to having sex really fast after the first pregnancy. "Whoa, slow down you bunny rabbits," you may be thinking. "Geez, take it easy." I'll forgive you such thoughts - after all, it's what I might think, too. But only playfully. In my heart, I believe fully that babies are a gift from God, and even the most careful couple can still conceive if that baby is a part of the wonderful plan He has Masterminded. Who knows what He has in store for my darlings?
In July, my mom and dad came down to help Jeff and I rearrange our apartment. We are still living in our two-bedroom, and the challenge is finding space for the necessities of life. During the month we cleaned out and organized and held a garage sale, the proceeds of which totaled well over $450. When my parents came, they helped me move Elliot's crib into the second-bedroom, which will become his playroom/nursery. We organized an office space in the living room, and transferred books to bookshelves. Everything looks a lot cleaner now, except for the unending piles of laundry in our bedroom.
Also this month, Jeff was roped into helping out with the sound production for the Hays Community Theater's rendition of Shrek: The Musical. I helped out by selling Shrek ears to families coming in to watch the performance! Two weeks before showtime, the director quit over a matter of kidney stones, and so it was left to first-time-director Meredith to take the reins. She finished the job beautifully, and opening night saw as many as 484 people, with the second night equaling it. I was fortunate enough to see the opening show, and it blew my mind - the immense gifts of time and talent that are put forth in the effort to create something beautiful and entertaining makes me wonder where our priorities are as a society today. In the schools they place more value on mathematics, science, computers, and sports, while music and art and theater are pushed to the side as extracurricular and struggle to find government funding. The very programs that foster creativity and beauty are exchanged for programs that only produce competition, work-a-holics, and comparison. And people wonder why kids are so restless and angry all the time!
There are other tidbits I want to comment about. I started cantoring at our local Catholic church. I have some strong feelings about this circus of a presidential campaign. I want to review classic books and movies. I've been trying new recipes. My tea business needs business. Jeff and I tried to look at houses. There's so much! But this post is just to orient y'all.
Elliot is taking his first steps now, and he climbs everything. He gets into the toilet to splash around and he tries to eat dust bunnies. He goes after anything with buttons or shiny lights. His latest fetish is the wheel. He will play with wheels, try to eat them, and wheel them around. He would rather push the stroller than ride in it!
We are a very blessed family, indeed. With one darling baby and another on the way, both Jeff and I have a great deal to be thankful for. We may not be rich in greenbacks, but we have treasure beyond compare, and so many blessings surrounding us. Sometimes it is a struggle to remember that, especially when faced with medical bills, looking for a house, or dealing with irritable coworkers and job situations. Still, it is a relief to know that the Lord never gives us a cross that we cannot handle, and that He is there to guide us along that path as we carry those crosses!
In part I have been super-lazy. Sometimes I am just not in the blogging mood and would rather use my free time to binge-watch Netflix or Pinterest. Truly, the memes about responsibility are true - I'd LIKE to run towards responsibility like an adult, but the pit trap of internet distractions is inevitable. And too tempting. I have a strong spirit and weak flesh.
So, I think I last blogged during February, during the time of Lent. Easter has come and gone, and what a time it was! We were surprisingly busy with local friends and family, plus travel to visit other family, and family reunions. So, family. And speaking of family, ours is getting another addition.
Yes! I am expecting again! In April I noticed several tell-tale signs, and in May we confirmed with a doctor. In June I had my first glimpse of my little bean, ten weeks old! He or she was kicking his or her foot inside my womb. You could clearly see it. Again I fell in love. At first I had cried, feeling cheated of precious time I should be spending with Elliot. But within a few weeks I felt reconciled to the beautiful idea of a brand-new baby. Elliot is growing up so fast, and as a SAHM, I spend almost every waking minute with him. That will never change. Now there will be a sibling for him to play with, and I will be able to treasure those moments just as I would treasure the moments of Elliot as an only-child.
Now, to answer the important questions:
1. I am doing great. Except for random bouts of nausea, without the vomiting, the first trimester passed fairly quietly. I have been eating like a hobbit every day, and since Elliot sleeps through the night, I am fortunate to get quite a lot of sleep myself.
2. No, I don't know the gender yet. Yes, we will be finding out. I don't care if it is a boy or a girl, so long as he or she is healthy.
3. Yes, all the friends and family know. Everyone is excited, though not as visibly excited as when I was expecting my firstborn.
4. Yes, this one was unexpected. Quite frankly, Elliot was unexpected, too. But not unwelcome. None of my children will ever be unwelcome or unloved or unwanted.
5. Yes, I am very much aware that I will be busy with two children under the age of 2. You may now tell me something I don't know, preferably something to do with dinosaurs or a new Marvel movie.
I know that people must be thinking, "Wow, that was quick." I'm not offended by such an idea; even I know that it was quick. I think we have been somehow trained to believe that the production of children should follow a certain timeline - that the second child should come after a few years of fun with the first one. There is, too, the scandalous knowledge, not spoken out loud of course, that the couple went back to having sex really fast after the first pregnancy. "Whoa, slow down you bunny rabbits," you may be thinking. "Geez, take it easy." I'll forgive you such thoughts - after all, it's what I might think, too. But only playfully. In my heart, I believe fully that babies are a gift from God, and even the most careful couple can still conceive if that baby is a part of the wonderful plan He has Masterminded. Who knows what He has in store for my darlings?
In July, my mom and dad came down to help Jeff and I rearrange our apartment. We are still living in our two-bedroom, and the challenge is finding space for the necessities of life. During the month we cleaned out and organized and held a garage sale, the proceeds of which totaled well over $450. When my parents came, they helped me move Elliot's crib into the second-bedroom, which will become his playroom/nursery. We organized an office space in the living room, and transferred books to bookshelves. Everything looks a lot cleaner now, except for the unending piles of laundry in our bedroom.
Also this month, Jeff was roped into helping out with the sound production for the Hays Community Theater's rendition of Shrek: The Musical. I helped out by selling Shrek ears to families coming in to watch the performance! Two weeks before showtime, the director quit over a matter of kidney stones, and so it was left to first-time-director Meredith to take the reins. She finished the job beautifully, and opening night saw as many as 484 people, with the second night equaling it. I was fortunate enough to see the opening show, and it blew my mind - the immense gifts of time and talent that are put forth in the effort to create something beautiful and entertaining makes me wonder where our priorities are as a society today. In the schools they place more value on mathematics, science, computers, and sports, while music and art and theater are pushed to the side as extracurricular and struggle to find government funding. The very programs that foster creativity and beauty are exchanged for programs that only produce competition, work-a-holics, and comparison. And people wonder why kids are so restless and angry all the time!
There are other tidbits I want to comment about. I started cantoring at our local Catholic church. I have some strong feelings about this circus of a presidential campaign. I want to review classic books and movies. I've been trying new recipes. My tea business needs business. Jeff and I tried to look at houses. There's so much! But this post is just to orient y'all.
Elliot is taking his first steps now, and he climbs everything. He gets into the toilet to splash around and he tries to eat dust bunnies. He goes after anything with buttons or shiny lights. His latest fetish is the wheel. He will play with wheels, try to eat them, and wheel them around. He would rather push the stroller than ride in it!
We are a very blessed family, indeed. With one darling baby and another on the way, both Jeff and I have a great deal to be thankful for. We may not be rich in greenbacks, but we have treasure beyond compare, and so many blessings surrounding us. Sometimes it is a struggle to remember that, especially when faced with medical bills, looking for a house, or dealing with irritable coworkers and job situations. Still, it is a relief to know that the Lord never gives us a cross that we cannot handle, and that He is there to guide us along that path as we carry those crosses!
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